Monday, August 3, 2009

Still True

This is something I found in a box of old letters and cards. It's amazing sometimes the things you find that you forgot about; and fun to read how you felt in times you can barely remember. I wrote this 20 some years ago...

Here we are, married almost 19 years, pushing 40 with five kids and broke flat. You may know this as an old story; but if you're 16 or maybe 20-something, I bet you pretty much think everything is rosy and that the people with problems are either too lazy or too dumb to correct them. Wrong!

Ken and I started out getting married in college. That was our first mistake. But we thought we had it all planned so well. He would finish college, get his degree and be a vet, farm a little on the side with his dad. Me, well I was going to raise a big family so why finish college. Second mistake. (His father passed away, his mother sold the farm, and he never finished college.) Our third mistake was the biggest. We thought - we're grown up now - we're married. We can make our own decisions. Hadn't we done pretty good so far? We don't need anyone's advice. So, what little advice did trickle our way we promptly ignored. Those who should have helped simply were convinced we didn't want help - they couldn't see through that facade - the wall of defenses we threw up in our immaturity. We could succeed on our own, we felt sure of that. And, so what if we didn't. We still had each other.

Well, now 19 years later, we still have each other. Thank God for that, but having each other does not put food on the table, clothe our family, pay the bills, and keep our heads from turning white with worry over what will happen to our beautiful family if we can't keep a house over their heads, put them through college, and see them through the problems of young adulthood - such a critical time. So many mistakes to be made. Some in the process of learning - some avoidable - some can be devastating. Just when a life can be at its most productive, a lost desire for excellence or lack of guidance can result in insurmountable problems years in the future. "If we had only..." So many words now lost and no way to recap them - only through learning from our mistakes can we hope to realize our objective in life: to raise our family the best we can.

Now we teach our young ones the importance of doing well in school. The best they can do - and more. To set their sights on a goal and stay with that goal till they achieve it. To carry this objective through to every area in their lives from cleaning up their room to deciding on a career. Only through dedication can a child today achieve his or her ambitions. The competition is great out there and it's getting tougher every day. Gone are the days when you could build a business on a small loan from a relative and plenty of hard work. Today, it's the really smart person who will make a business or career successful. One who never, for a minute, loses sight of his goals - never gets too comfortable with what he has achieved.

We also tell our kids to listen to advice from those they respect - to be open and honest with themselves and us. Not to be afraid of the future - just be ready.

Is this still true? I think so. And BTW, I think, in spite of the hard times, we achieved our goal! I just thought you kids o'mine would enjoy reading how your momma thought way back when.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

In my jammies...

Katy noticed this morning that she sees me in my jammies more than usual. Yes, unemployment is one of those double-edged swords we love to hate. No money but lots of time to pirate and farm and clean the house. I really am planning some productive things today. For instance, I hadn't taken the time for months to look at these blogs we do; and, by the by, except for Katy and JB, the fam is getting a little lax on the writing. I know, I all have ballgames to attend/coach and flowers to plant, but I need contact. So, I got on the ole blogger and got to read some new stuff by Jeremy, and reread and die laughing at Katy's latest. Now I want to hear from the rest of you. So, while I am doing those planned productive things today...getting back on the treadmill after walking 50some miles at the zoo, and running to town to exchange the oil that I mistakenly purchased for Ken's tractor which I wrote down EXACTLY as he prescribed and then got it WRONG, and checking in with Kate at the office just to get my face out there, and making some IMPORTANT calls, you all could be thinking of the next thing you want to talk about that will make me laugh...cause, after all, laughing keeps us young.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the newbie

I just got started so I don't have much to say here; but, I figured it's another way of staying in touch with you all. Sides, I have to deal with this other computer here, and my old one has all the addresses on it so I HAD to join up just to get to read your new posts. >: